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REM's environmental approach is founded on best practices: avoid, minimize, compensate. In addition to the adjustments made to the route during the planning phase, we do whatever it takes to minimize consequences or take concrete measures to compensate for the impact the work has on the environment.

Compensating for greenhouse gases by planting 250,000 trees

Once in service, REM will contribute to decreasing 100,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year or the equivalent of 30,000 fewer cars on the road in 24 hours. Until then, through a voluntary partnership with Jour de la Terre, 250,000 trees will be planted to compensate for the GHG emissions produced during the construction phase.

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Compensate for work areas

In addition to the 250,000 trees that will be planted, once construction work is completed, the same number of trees that were cut in temporary construction zones will be replanted – at a rate of 110% – in the municipal territory or borough where the trees were cut. The planting strategy will be carried out in close partnership with the municipalities and boroughs.

More than 250,000 trees will be planted

Minimizing noise

Our teams will monitor noise regularly to control the impact of construction noise. We will set up various different mitigation measures in residential and institutional sectors: controlled work hours, quieter construction equipment, acoustic screens, and more. A major program for communicating with citizens will also be set up.

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Promoting agricultural land

An agricultural land trust will be created to promote and encourage growth of the agricultural land bordering the Rive-Sud Terminal station, together with a future metropolitan agricultural park. Not only are these initiatives aimed at protecting the area, they will also help to limit urban sprawl. All of this will be made possible by a partnership with the Union des producteurs agricoles du Québec and the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal.

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Innovative partnerships to encourage growth of agricultural land

Limiting and compensating for impacts on plants and wildlife

While the REM will primarily run through an urban environment, its construction may have localized impact on plants and wildlife. To limit these impacts, underpasses will be built beneath the railway track so that animals can cross from one side of the REM to the other.

Limiting and compensating for impacts on wetlands

Wetlands (ponds, marshes, bogs, etc.) have significant environmental value. We have done a lot to avoid and protect them. For example, the profile of the route through Technoparc Montréal was changed and the use of de-icing salt on the railway tracks in winter will be prohibited.

Avoid impacts on wetlands in Technoparc Montréal

Protecting the quality of soil and water

Many mitigation measures will be implemented to protect the water and soils, such as safe stockpiling of contaminated soils, erosion protection, silt barriers, etc.

MELCC Environmental Registry

Consult the environmental follow-ups submitted to MELCC.