Creation of an agricultural land trust with Union des producteurs agricoles
To enhance the agricultural land bordering the Rive-Sud Terminal Station, CDPQ Infra established a partnership in March 2017 with the Union des producteurs agricoles du Québec (UPA) and the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM).

This partnership will help to establish an agricultural land trust and, ultimately, a metropolitan agricultural park to promote agricultural activities and territory, thus helping to limit urban spread around the future Rive-Sud Terminal Station. This initiative aims not only to protect the area, but to limit urban sprawl by fostering the growth of agricultural activities in this sector. Under this agreement, the CMM will work together with CDPQ Infra and the UPA to form a master plan for implementing a metropolitan agricultural park that is consistent with the Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement, which has an objective of increasing cultivated lands by 6%.
Consult the agreement between the UPA, the CMM and CDPQ Infra to learn more about this initiative.