Transit fares
How much does it cost to take the REM?
The REM is the same price as the metro or train and depends on the route you take. Your fare must be valid for your zone of departure, your destination zone, and any zones in between.
Choose the right transit fare for you and avoid waiting in line
To choose the right transit fare for your needs:
To purchase and recharge your transport fares on your OPUS card using your smartphone:
To buy your transport fares in advance in person at various existing points of sale:
The four fare zones of Greater Montréal
The REM operates between zones A (Île-des-Soeurs station and Central Station) and B (Panama, Du Quartier and Brossard stations). When fully commissioned, the REM will operate between zones A, B and C.
Don’t know which zone(s) you travel in? Learn about zones A, B, C and D on the ARTM website.
Map of the fare zones
- Zone A: agglomeration of Montréal
- Zone B: agglomerations of Longueuil and Laval
- Zone C: northern and southern suburbs
- Zone D: certain municipalities outside the ARTM boundary

Transit fares
All Modes fares and Unlimited Evening and Unlimited Weekend passes
Travel in A zone
Access to the REM, bus, metro and train
To get around within the agglomeration of Montréal
10 trips
1 trip
2 trips
24 hours
3 days
Travel in and between A and B zones
Access to the REM, bus, metro and train
To get around in and between the agglomerations of Montréal, Longueuil and Laval
10 trips
1 trip
2 trips
24 hours
3 days
Travel in and between A, B and C zones
Access to the REM, bus, metro and train
To travel in and between the agglomerations of Montréal, Longueuil and Laval, as well as the northern and southern suburbs
10 trips
1 trip
2 trips
24 hours
3 days
Travel in and between A, B, C and D zones
Access to the REM, bus, metro and train
To travel throughout the greater Montréal area and in the services offered in zone D
10 trips
1 trip
2 trips
24 hours
3 days
Unlimited evening
Unlimited REM, bus, metro and train trips within and between zones A, B, C and D
(valid from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m.)
Unlimited weekend
Unlimited REM, bus, metro and train trips within and between zones A, B, C and D
(valid from Friday, 4 p.m. to Monday, 5 a.m.)
Special bus fares related to the launch of the REM
For travel aboard RTL bus services and the REM between Brossard and Gare Centrale stations
Access to the REM and to Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL) buses only
10 trips
For travel aboard exo bus services and the REM between Brossard and Gare Centrale stations*
Access to the REM and to some exo bus lines only
Monthly, CRC Marieville-REM
Monthly, LR-ROUS-REM
Monthly, VR Saint-Hyacinthe-REM
*The CRC-SJU-VR-REM fare provides access to all bus lines in the Chambly-Richelieu-Carignan, Sainte-Julie and Vallée-du-Richelieu sectors (except for trips passing through the municipalities of Marieville, Saint-Hyacinthe and Sainte-Marie-Madeleine), as well as the South Shore branch of the REM.
The CRC Marieville-REM fare provides access to all bus lines in the Chambly-Richelieu-Carignan sector as well as the South Shore branch of the REM.
The LR-ROUS-REM fare provides access to all bus lines in the Le Richelain and Roussillon sectors as well as the South Shore branch of the REM.
The VR Saint-Hyacinthe-REM fare provides access to all bus lines in the Vallée-du-Richelieu sector as well as the South Shore branch of the REM.
This table is not comprehensive. To view all types of transit fares, please see the full ARTM fare schedule.
Bus, metro, train and REM services are free at all times for children aged 11 and under while accompanied by a person aged 14 or older who is supervising them. The accompanying person must have a valid and validated fare and may not accompany more than 5 children aged 6 to 11.
Free for those 65 years and older in zone A
As of July 1, 2023, free transportation for those 65 years of age and older will be offered to residents of the Montréal agglomeration.
This free ride will be valid for travel “All Modes” in zone A by REM and by bus, metro, commuter train or paratransit.
To take advantage of this free service, see the details here on the STM website.
Where can I buy my ticket?
You can buy your tickets at any of our stations, at metropolitan ticket offices, at bus terminals, at train stations or at various points of sale.
Fares are compatible with your OPUS card.
You can buy your tickets through other types of cards as well. This comparison chart will help you find the card(s) that meets your needs.