Major work begins on the Deux-Montagnes branch
As of May 11, 2020, major construction work will result in the closure of the Mount Royal tunnel and the interruption of the train service between Bois-Franc station and Central Station.
In the first few weeks, CN and exo will occupy the site to carry out preparatory work, including the removal of the power system, rails and tracks. The removal of the power supply will allow work to begin on the surface tracks as well as inside the Mont-Royal tunnel.
The REM teams will start to mobilize across all construction sites. At the Canora, Mount Royal and Bois-Franc stations, the foundations are already visible, and the stations will truly take shape with the installation of the steel structures this spring. Preparatory work at the Côte-de-Liesse, Montpellier and Du Ruisseau stations will also begin in the coming weeks.
Finally, the closure of the Mount Royal tunnel will allow the construction of the three downtown REM stations to gradually begin. On McGill College Street, the opening of the centennial vault of the Mount Royal tunnel will mark the beginning of the construction of the McGill station. More than one hundred years after its construction, the tunnel will see the light of day for the first time. In the heart of Mount Royal, nearly 70 metres underground, construction work of the Édouard-Montpetit station will also begin. At Central Station, work will begin to build the future REM station just below the Salle des Pas Perdus.
Here are the main projects for 2020:
Mont-Royal Tunnel
Removal of the power supply system, rails, ties and ballast (existing railway tracks) inside the tunnel and at Central Station
Construction of the base for the new rails in the tunnel
Excavation inside the Mount Royal tunnel through the former Portal Heights station and transportation of the excavated material by truck to the Côte-de-Liesse's construction site for storage of the ore
Work to widen the Édouard-Montpetit station platform
Continued excavation at the McGill station and construction of the platforms
Construction of the single REM platform at Central Station, creation of access to the concourse and replacement of electrical and mechanical systems

Canora, Mont-Royal, Bois-Franc
Demolition and reconstruction of Cornwall and Jean-Talon overpasses
Erection of the stations’ steel structures
Construction of the stations’ external facades, including roofing and installation of concrete and glass walls
Electromechanical and build-out work in the buildings
Preparatory work and reconfiguration of the CP railway bridge (Wilderton/Jean-Talon W. intersection) to ensure continued CP and St-Jérôme exo-2 line service

Montpellier, Du Ruisseau
Opening of the construction sites
Dismantling of existing railway infrastructure, including platforms, stairs, ticket booths, etc.
Construction of slope-retaining walls around the stations
Earthwork for railway tracks in preparation for the stations’ foundation work
Drilling, formwork, installation of rebar and pouring of concrete for stations’ foundations
Erection of the stations’ steel structures
Repair of the Henri-Bourassa railway overpass
Côte-de-Liesse (connection with the Mascouche line)
Construction of the station’s foundations
Transportation of material excavated in the Mount Royal tunnel by train to the Côte-de-Liesse site and storage of the ore
Railway tracks
Cutting of trees and shrubs on the railways’ right-of-way
Removal of the power supply system, rails, ties and ballast (existing tracks)
Construction of electrical and telecommunications duct banks
Drilling the foundation for the new power supply system
Installation of new rails and security fencing