6 sites to follow this winter
REM construction continues throughout the winter despite the weather conditions. Here is an overview of the major work in progress and to come.
1. Installation of tracks and electrical systems
The year 2020 marks a turning point for the project: a representative segment will be set up in the fall on the South Shore to conduct the first operational tests. The installation of the tracks had already started last year (over 2 km) and will continue at the beginning of the year. The electrical and communication systems will be installed in a second phase in the spring.

2. Tests on the platform screen doors
For the second winter in a row, we are conducting endurance tests on the platform screen doors. More than 500,000 door opening and closing cycles have been carried out in Montréal, confirming good performance in extreme cold, ice and snow. These infrastructure were also tested in a climatic chamber, where the temperature dropped to -40°C with more than 30 millimeters of ice.

3. Interior design of the stations
Construction of the Rive-Sud and Du Quartier stations is already well underway! We are currently carrying out interior work for electricity, plumbing and mechanical rooms. The installation of the curtain walls (glass facades) will continue this winter on the station structures.

4. End of excavation at Édouard-Montpetit
One of the REM’s technical challenges: the excavation of the galleries at Édouard-Montpetit, will be finalized towards the end of March. These galleries will be used for the circulation of people (mezzanine, elevators, escalators) but also for building services and ventilation. Installation of the steel structures and construction of the station is scheduled to begin in the spring.

5. Assembly of the TBM and beginning of drilling
Currently in the assembly phase, the “Alice” tunnel boring machine will gradually take shape in the Technoparc. This gigantic machine is being assembled directly in the main shaft that we dug last year: a huge trench 15 metres deep and 155 metres long. Several weeks of assembly are necessary, then the TBM will start drilling in 2020.

6. New worksites on the Deux-Montagnes branch
Things are also moving along in the borough of Saint-Laurent. Two new sites will be progressively mobilized at the Montpellier and Du Ruisseau stations. Initially, this involves preparatory work to relocate utilities and prepare the groundwork. The catenary and tracks will be removed starting March 30, 2020, when train service is stopped.
Why are the launching beams shut down during the winter?
The gigantic “Anne” and “Marie” beams have been standing still since mid-December. Contrary to what one might think, this has nothing to do with the beam mechanism but with the epoxy glue used for the joints: it no longer works when it is too cold! Activities will resume around April when temperatures will be milder. In the meantime, construction of the pillars is continuing and we will soon begin installing the tracks on the West Island.