Short REM trains arrive in the network
Starting on April 21, short REM trains will be arriving in the network on weekends and holidays. Since commissioning, only long REM trains have been running on the tracks. Here’s what the changes will look like.
Single-unit or multiple-unit train sets
The REM network is designed for two types of car combinations: short REM trains and long REM trains.
Short REM trains are made up of two cars and will run during periods when travel is less frequent, such as weekends, off-peak hours or holidays.
The long REM trains, consisting of four cars, will be in service when trips are more frequent, for example during peak hours during the week or large-scale events.
The use of short REM trains during low-traffic periods will, among other things, reduce our energy consumption and the normal wear and tear on our cars. The deployment of short REM trains is based on network ridership.
It is for these reasons that reduced-car trains will be introduced:
- From April 21, 2024:
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays - At a later date:
All off-peak periods, weekends and holidays.
What’s the difference?
From April 21, short REM trains will run on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. You'll then need to position yourself at the six platform screen doors at the head of the car. The six other platform screen doors at the end of the cars will not open when a two-car train arrives.

Temporarily, to find the right platform screen doors for boarding, look for the “1ère voiture” (first car) signs on the platform in the station. REM agents will be on hand in the stations to answer your questions and provide assistance if needed.
sign in french only
Over the next few weeks, our teams will be rolling out capacity indicators to help you identify the right platform screen doors for boarding.
Do you have any questions?
Contact our team