Excavation and transport of material through the former Portal-Heights station

Nature of the work
Since May 11 2020, the Mont-Royal Tunnel is closed to allow major repair work to begin and the construction of the two underground stations that will be connected to the tunnel.
Since August 2020, material excavated from the Mont-Royal Tunnel is removed by cranes from a temporary work area located at the former Portal Heights station at the intersection of Wilderton Avenue and Bates Road and transported by truck to the storage site located at the future REM Côte-de-Liesse station.
As of March 2021, the excavated material will then also be transported by diesel trains within the railway right-of-way between the future Canora station and the future REM Côte-de-Liesse station.

Here is an overview of the work to come for the next few months (dates subject to change):
Schedule |
Work |
Mid – May 2020 |
May 2020 – April 2021 |
From March 2021
Impacts and mitigation measures
The goal of the REM project office and the NouvLR consortium is to mitigate the impact on surrounding residents and ensure everyone’s safety by taking all appropriate measures.
Although the work is being carried out inside the tunnel, located between 30 m and 70 m deep, some impacts could be felt:
- Work takes place day and night.
- This work will generate noise, dust and truck traffic. Environmental experts will monitor noise and air quality to ensure that project criteria are met.
- Mitigation measures, such as the installation of noise barriers at the intersection of Wilderton Avenue and Bates Road, will be put in place to limit the impacts of the work.
- Occasional obstructions to traffic could be set up according to the needs of the site. Flaggers and appropriate signage will be used to facilitate traffic flow.
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