Construction of a temporary access ramp to Highway 10 West on Plèdre Street

Nature of the work
The route of the future Réseau express métropolitain (REM) will run along the Highway 10 median on the South Shore, where the current reserved bus lane is located. To ensure that public transit service is unhampered during the work, transitional measures will be implemented. These measures include the construction of a new access ramp to Highway 10 West on Plèdre Street to make it easier for buses to exit the Panama terminal.
Construction will begin around mid‑April and run for about eight weeks. The ramp will be opened in June and remain in use until the REM is commissioned in 2021. The ramp will be restricted to bus use only.
The work includes the following activities:
- Earthwork and excavation
- Roadway construction, connection and marking
Impacts and mitigation measures
- During construction, Plèdre Street will be closed to eastbound traffic, between Pelletier Boulevard and Paquette Avenue. Only westbound traffic will be possible.
- The bike path on Plèdre Street and the one on Pelletier Boulevard, alongside the Panama terminal, will also be closed for the duration of the work.
- Pedestrians will not be able to walk on Plèdre Street under Pelletier Boulevard during the construction period.
- A high volume of truck traffic is to be expected for the duration of the work. Trucks will access the construction site via Pelletier Boulevard.
- This work will generate noise and dust. Environmental experts will monitor noise and air quality to ensure that project criteria are met. Mitigation measures may be implemented if necessary.
The following map shows the area concerned:
Rehabilitation of Plèdre Street
In addition to building a new ramp for buses, Plèdre Street also needs to be rehabilitated. This work will begin May 13 and last approximately four weeks. The ramp will be opened in June and used until the REM is commissioned in 2021. A noise barrier wall will be built to minimize the impact of bus traffic. Work on this barrier wall will also take place in June.
Traffic on Plèdre Street will be completely cut off. Pelletier Boulevard will be open to local traffic travelling in both directions. The bike path on Plèdre Street and the one on Pelletier Boulevard, alongside the Panama terminal, will also be closed. Pedestrian traffic will not be permitted on Plèdre Street.
*The date of work is subject to change, depending on metereoligical conditions and work progress. Work before and after the time period will be necessary to mobilize and demobilize all the elements required to perform the work and to clean up the site. Some work may need to be performed at night and on weekends. Due to the nature of the activities being performed, work cannot be interrupted while it is in progress, and must be completed to ensure integrity of the existing infrastructure is maintained. Should this situation arise, the work period will be extended to complete the work already begun.
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