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Lifting and dismantling of the Montgomery footbridge.

Lifting and dismantling of the Montgomery footbridge.

Construction activities  | Major  | During the night only
Sunday, March 23 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Monday, March 24 from 7a.m. until the night.
Centre of Montréal

Nature of work : 

As part of the repair work on the Montgomery footbridge, in agreement with the Town of Mount Royal, an operation to lift and dismantle the footbridge is to be expected in the coming days. 

To do this, a crane will be installed at the intersection of Dunkirk Road and Montgomery Avenue. This work will begin on Sunday 23 March and will be completed on the night of Monday 24 March to Tuesday 25 March.

Here are the planned steps:

Date Work

Sunday, March 23
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Erecting the crane at the Montgomery/Dunkirk intersection

Monday, March 24 

Lifting and dissasembly the Montgomery Footbridge
Lundi 24 mars
Dismantling of the carne


Impacts et mitigation measures : 

  • Noise and light could be noticeable. The teams have been made aware of the management of their equipment in order to minimize the potential impact.
  • Complete closure of Montgomery Avenue, Sunday, March 23 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Monday, March 24 from 5 p.m to the end of the operation.
  • Adequate signage will be installed and flaggers will be on site to redirect vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
  • Environmental monitoring will be deployed by environmental experts.


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