Paving work on Boulevard Industriel

Update (2024-05-23): Paving work postponed to a future date. Other communications will follow.
Nature of the work:
Complete closure of traffic on Industrial Boulevard between Blvd. Albert-Mondou and 50m north of the one-night REM viaduct is coming from May 23rd to 24th, in order to achieve some road work. Drivers are invited to take the detour path illustrated on the map below.
Impacts and mitigation measures:
The objective of the REM office project office and the NouvLR consortium is to mitigate the impacts on residents and to ensure the safety of all, by implementing appropriate measures: `
Depending on the nature of the work, noise, vibration and dust may be created. To ensure compliance with the noise, vibration and air quality criteria to which the project is subject, environmental experts will monitor ongoing activites.
Businesses will remain accessible at all times via the detour route.
The following map shows the proposed detour:

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