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Preparatory work in the railway right-of-way between Montpellier and Du Ruisseau stations

Preparatory work in the railway right-of-way between Montpellier and Du Ruisseau stations

Construction activities
May 23-24 Weekends only, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Centre of Montréal

Nature of work

As part of the track modernization work and in order to accommodate the passage of the Réseau express métropolitain, a buried optical fibre will be briefly relocated and protected by moving it to temporary poles for the duration of the work.

The NouvLR consortium will excavate the soil along the rails by hydro-excavation in order to dig up the optical fibre. Hydro-excavation is the process of digging with pressurized water and vacuuming the soil or debris as digging progresses. This technique is safe, limits the impact on the immediate environment, generates no dust and reduces the risk of damaging underground infrastructure.

The following map shows the work location: 

Impacts and mitigation measures 

The goal of the REM project office and the NouvLR consortium is to mitigate the impact on surrounding residents and ensure everyone’s safety by taking all appropriate measures. 

  • This work could generate noise, light and vibrations.
  • Some of the work will require truck traffic in the neighbourhood; traffic pattern changes may be set up to minimize construction traffic and secure the construction zones.

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