A two-stage connection between Panama station and the Brossard T sector to be put into service
The Réseau express métropolitain team, in conjunction with the City of Brossard and the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM), is undertaking the implementation of a connection between Panama station and the Brossard T sector for the commissioning of the REM.
This connection will take the form of a multifunctional path for pedestrians and cyclists (two-way bicycle path), for which work will begin in August 2022. Lighting and security cameras will be installed, as well as appropriate landscaping to ensure the safety and tranquility of nearby residences.
This connection will be built in two stages: first, it will be configured near the Tisserand Avenue bend, in time for the start of the REM. Then, the connection will join a car drop-off located in the northern part of the Place Portobello parking lot, the design of which will be finalized in the coming months and will be built as soon as possible in 2023.
Details of a two-stage connection
In the first phase, the connection will be configured with a link near the Tisserand Avenue bend. Combined with new roadway improvements and traffic calming measures currently being analyzed by the City of Brossard, this connection will provide safe service to T-area residents with a direct link to the Panama station in time for the start of the REM. Residents will benefit from a quick connection to a brand new high frequency public transit service.

The connection will then be linked, in 2023, to the car drop-off area to be developed by the ARTM north of Place Portobello, in accordance with the concept announced in June 2022 following the adoption of a resolution at the Brossard City Council meeting.
The bus stops of the Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL) will remain on Tisserand Avenue. The analysis of their final location near the access to the new multi-purpose pathway is ongoing.
Detailed planning of the final configuration is underway by the ARTM, the RTL and the City of Brossard, and follows on the citizen participation activities carried out in recent months.
Work in the Panama area is being finalized
Work in the Panama sector for the arrival of the REM is being finalized. Since July 11, work has begun on the construction of the future park-and-ride lot and its accesses, made possible by the partial opening of the new bus terminal. The station and bus terminal will be finalized by the fall.
Tests are also continuing with the REM cars in Brossard and will be extended to the Central Station in the coming months, in order to test all the systems of the future network. Remember that a minimum reliability rate of 95% is required before the REM can be put into service.
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