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The REM in winter

Plan your winter travel with the REM 

The REM network and cars are built to deal with harsh winter conditions. Here are a few tips to help you plan your winter travel.

Check for service updates before you travel

Icone service status

Various options are available to keep track of service updates.  

Note that in stormy conditions, the REM may run at reduced speed to allow better control of braking and acceleration.

Where to purchase transit fares

Icone fares

You can buy your tickets at any of our existing points of sale. You can also purchase and recharge your transport fares on your OPUS card using the Chrono app on your smartphone.

We strongly recommend that you buy your tickets in advance to avoid the queues that can extend outside the station at peak hours and at the start of each month.

How transit network snow removal works

Icone snow removal

REM trains are designed to run safely in up to 40 cm of snow and crew manage the snow every night. Snow blowers collect the snow and move it to designated areas according to the sector. Snow is not thrown onto the road under any circumstances.

During the operation, we also clear snow from station entrances and parking lots, as well as from our Operations and Maintenance Centre. In order to stand up to Montréal winters, the REM car pantographs have been equipped with scrapers to clear accumulations of ice off the catenary. The cars will also have snowplows attachments to keep contact between the rails and the car wheels secure.

Watch this Alstom video to find out more (French Only):

REM team presence in the network

Icone team

You’ll notice more of our staff in REM stations. These employees are there to help manage winter interventions in trains and in stations.

What to do in the event of prolonged service interruption

Icone bus

In the event of a prolonged interruption to REM service, buses will be fielded as quickly as possible. In winter, bus shuttles may take longer to set up than expected, depending on weather conditions.

See the Service during an interruption page for all the information you need to know about your location.