What will be the travel times from the other stations?
Here are the travel times to the airport from the 25 other REM stations.
South Shore
Brossard: 41'
- Du Quartier: 38'
- Panama: 35'
Île-des-Soeurs: 31'
- Griffintown – Bernard-Landry: 27'
- Central Station: 25'
- McGill: 24'
- Édouard-Montpetit: 21'
Mount-Royal and Saint-Laurent
- Canora: 18'
- Ville-de-Mont-Royal: 17'
- Côte-de-Liesse: 15'
- Montpellier: 13'
- Du Ruisseau: 11'
- Bois-Franc: 9'
- Marie-Curie: 2'
West Island
Sunnybrooke: approx. 24'
- Pierrefonds-Roxboro: approx. 26'
- Des Sources: approx. 26'
- Fairview-Pointe-Claire: approx. 30'
- Kirkland: approx. 33'
- Anse-à-l'Orme: approx. 36'
North Shore
- Île-Bigras: approx. 29'
- Sainte-Dorothée: approx. 31'
- Grand-Moulin: approx. 34'
- Deux-Montagnes: approx. 36'
* To get to the airport from this station, you have to make a transfer at Bois-Franc. We added a conservative 10-minute connection time in our calculations.